Earlier this year, The Telegraph newspaper in the UK reported that around 60,000 British families had been wrongly charged inheritance tax on Spanish property. Unfortunately around 20,000 of these families left it too late to apply for a refund due to a strict 4-year legal time limit on recovery actions, therefore only 40,000 will be able to make a claim.,/p>
Even if you consider yourself to be of modest means and your family to be savvy about the Spanish inheritance tax laws, it is still essential that you make sure your affairs are in order. Without the appropriate arrangements in place,your assets can be frozen for up to 4 years and joint bank accounts and property sales can be blocked. You’ll save loved ones from unnecessary trauma, time consuming paperwork (in a foreign language) and expense by acting before it’s too late.
The only one sure-fire way to ensure that your loved ones won’t find themselves in this type of costly situation is to take action to protect your assets in Spain, by contracting the services of an inheritance tax planning expert in Spain, such as the Perez Legal Group.
The Perez Legal Group has 20 years’ experience of dealing with estate planning including inheritance tax, wills, pensions, assets and liabilities and can handle all aspects of estate planning for both Spanish nationals and expats with assets in Spain.
Visit www.perezlegalgroup.com for further information or call 952 833 169 to arrange a free consultation and make the first step to protecting your assets.